Dental Veneers

What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers are extremely thin shells that bond to the front of your existing teeth. Our prosthodontic specialists use porcelain or resin veneers to mimic the look of real teeth while providing the same function and feel of healthy, natural teeth. We use veneers to correct imperfections when there are functional or aesthetic issues across the surface of your teeth. These custom-made veneers provide just enough coverage to conceal imperfections like chips and stains while being translucent and thin enough to be practically invisible and undetectable. They are a near-perfect match for natural tooth enamel.

Do I Need Dental Veneers?

You may need veneers if you are self-conscious about imperfections in your natural teeth, or if stains, cracks, and surface damage has become so widespread that other procedures cannot correct the issues. Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice because they so closely match the appearance of natural teeth. They are also resistant to stains and will keep your smile white and bright for years. Porcelain dental veneers cost slightly more due to their excellent durability and natural appearance. We also can color match resin to your natural tooth color if you prefer that option. We will custom-make all veneers for your smile, whether it is for one tooth or all of them.

Our prosthodontist may suggest these high-quality veneers to help the following issues:

  • Closing gaps between teeth, including large spaces
  • Covering and enhancing teeth that are broken, chipped, cracked, worn, or ground down
  • Correcting the look of slightly crooked teeth
  • Improving misshapen teeth
  • Whitening teeth with severe stains or discoloration

Please contact our prosthodontic office in Las Vegas, NV, if you believe veneers would help solve your tooth problems!